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Biography 3


Place of birth:Dublin,Ireland
Star sigh:Cancer
Status: Separted from wife,Easther from girl group Eternal
Favourite holiday destination:Jamaica
Ambition: To be a motor racing driver

Shanes first ever record bought was a NWA record
Shanes ambition has also been matched he got a cool one million pounds contract for ford,he has been in a few crashes nothing to serious just minor injuries
Shane and Keith released a single of their own girl, you know its true which didnt rock the charts it went in at number 36.

SHANES gold chain and bracelet cost him £10,000.He had them personally made for himself
SHANE likes baggy trousers and was very unhappy when he had to wear a tweed suit for the video to picture of you.
SHANE says he gets in a funny mood when theres a full moon and has to drink alot of water to stay normal.
SHANE collects tropical fish.Hes got three scavenger fish,two sucker fish and two angel fish.

As you all probely know Shanes twin sisters are also in a band named Bewitched. All in Shanes family have had 11 number ones between them.
Shane himself with 6,Bewithched had 4 and Shanes wife Easther from Eternal had 1.